Sherpa Original Deluxe lemmikloomahoidja, suur, must Original Deluxe Carrier, suur must




TOOTE KIRJELDUS Reisige mugavalt ja stiilselt Sherpa Original Deluxe Carrier'iga. Ideaalne lennuki või autoga reisimiseks, reisiks või lihtsalt loomaarsti juurde. Patenteeritud vedrutraatraam võimaldab hoidiku tagumist otsa mitu tolli allapoole lükata, et see vastaks istmealuse nõuetele. Kanduril on ventilatsiooniks võrkpaneelid, lukustavad tõmblukud, et vältida juhuslikku põgenemist, ja turvavöö turvarihm, mis toimib ka pagasirihmana. Ülemise ja külgmise sissepääsu valikud muudavad lemmikloomade mugava laadimise kandurisse palju lihtsamaks. Suur lukuga külgtasku mahutab teie lemmiklooma olulised reisidokumendid ja kõik muu, mida teie lemmik võib vajada. Libisemiskindel õlarihm on reguleeritav ja sellel on mugavuse tagamiseks polsterdatud tugi. Kaasas on pehme, hubane, eemaldatav ja masinas pestav kunstlambanahast vooder. Sherpa asendusvooderdised on samuti saadaval ja neid müüakse eraldi. Heakskiidetud kasutamiseks enamikes suuremates lennufirmades. Väikesed ja keskmised suurused kuuluvad Sherpasse. Saadaval on must, pruun, ploom ja hall. Saadaval väikeses, keskmises ja suures suuruses. Kuidas leida kõige sobivam: valige kandja suurus vastavalt oma lemmiklooma mõõtudele allpool ja seejärel oma lemmiklooma kaalu järgi, veendudes, et see ei ületaks maksimaalseid kaalupiiranguid. Märkus: kandur on mõeldud lamavate lemmikloomade jaoks, nii et teie lemmikloom ei pruugi seista. Väike kandja: sobib lemmikloomadele pikkusega kuni 13 x 7,5 pikk ja kuni 8 naela. Keskmine kandja: sobib lemmikloomadele pikkusega kuni 16 x 10 pikkune ja kuni 16 naela suur kandja: sobib lemmikloomadele pikkusega kuni 18 x 11 kõrgust ja kuni 22 naela.Kuidas oma lemmiklooma mõõta: lemmiklooma pikkust alustage rinna esiosast ja mõõtke lemmiklooma lõpuni. tagumine. Kõrguse mõõtmiseks mõõtke põrandast kuni selja ülaosani. Ilma probleemideta, lihtne reisimine AMAZON.COM SHERPA® ORIGINAL DELUXE LEMMIKOOKANDUR SOOVITAB ÕIGESTI Sherpa® Original Deluxe Carrier on saadaval mitmes suuruses ja värvitoonis. Väike on mõeldud kuni 8 naela kaaluvatele lemmikloomadele ning selle pikkus on 15 tolli, kõrgus 8,5 tolli ja laius 10 tolli. Keskmine on mõeldud kuni 16 naela kaaluvatele lemmikloomadele ning selle pikkus on 18 tolli, kõrgus 11 tolli ja laius 10,5 tolli. Suur on mõeldud kuni 22 naela kaaluvatele lemmikloomadele ning selle pikkus on 19 tolli, kõrgus 11,8 tolli ja laius 11,5 tolli. PARDALE GARANTEERITUD ®Lemmikloomaga lendamine on stressirohke. Igal lennufirmal on kindlad reeglid ja eeskirjad ning lemmikloomade vanemad ei ole sageli nõuetekohaselt ette valmistatud ega nõuetest teadlikud. Innukate lemmikloomasõprade ja -huvilistena soovib Sherpa® tagada, et lemmikloomad ja lemmikloomade vanemad reisiksid mugavalt ja südamerahuga. Guaranteed On Board ® on ainus programm, mis tagab, et meie lennuettevõtjad järgivad iga osaleva lennufirma reegleid ja eeskirju ning pakub kogu teavet, mis on vajalik lihtsaks ja probleemivabaks reisiks. Lihtsalt minge saidile, valige osalev lennufirma, sisestage lennuettevõtja teave, lemmikloomateave ja lennuteave ning printige GOB-vorm. Kui teie sherpa vedaja tõttu keeldutakse teie pardale laskmisest, hüvitab Quaker Pet Group teile lennukulud ja lemmikloomatasud – garanteeritud!Originaal Deluxe Element Duffle Element Carrier Delta Deluxe AA kandja AA Duffle On Wheels Cat Tote Top Entry JAH JAH JAH JAH JAH JAH Külgmine sisestus JAH JAH JAH JAH JAH JAH JAH Käsikandmisrihmad JAH JAH JAH JAH JAH JAH Õlarihm JAH JAH JAH JAH JAH Tõmbepael JAH Rattad JAH Võrgusilma paneelide arv 3 4 3 3 4 3 Taskute arv 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 3 Allarullitavad privaatsusklapid JAH JAH JAH Turvavöö/pagasirihm JAH JAH JAH JAH JAH JAH Saadaval suurused Lemmikloomad kaaluvad kuni 8 naela JAH JAH JAH Lemmikloomad kaaluga kuni 16 naela JAH JAH JAH JAH JAH JAH JAH Kuni 20 naela kaaluvad lemmikloomad JAH Lemmikloomad kaaluga kuni 22 naela JAH JAH Heakskiidetud enamikul lennufirmadel Väike JAH JAH N/A N/A N/A JAH N/A N/A Keskmine JAH N/A JAH JAH JAH JAH JAH Suur N /A N/A N/A N/A N/A Garanteeritud pardal Väike JAH JAH N/A N/A JAH N/A N/A Keskmine JAH JAH JAH JAH JAH Suur N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A KINNITUD KASUTAMISEKS ENAMUSES SUUREMATES LENNULIINID VS. PARDAGA GARANTEERITUD Pange tähele, et pardal® on garantii ainult väikesele ja keskmisele originaaldeluxe mudelile. Large Original Deluxe on heaks kiidetud kasutamiseks enamikes suuremates kodumaistes lennufirmades. Mis vahe on? Heakskiidetud kasutamiseks suurtes lennufirmades tähendab, et kandja: * tagab piisava ventilatsiooni * on lekkekindel * ümbritseb turvaliselt lemmiklooma * Vastab istmealuse mõõtmetele Enamik lemmikloomakandjaid ja kõik Sherpa® vedajad on lennufirma poolt heaks kiidetud, kuid AINULT Sherpa® lennuettevõtjad on Garanteeritud On Board®.Guaranteed On Board® on ainus programm, mis tagab, et Sherpa® lennuettevõtja vastab lennufirma konkreetsetele reeglitele ja eeskirjadele ning lubatakse pardale. Kõik väikesed ja keskmised Sherpa® kandjad kuuluvad GOB programmi. * Minge saidile * Valige osalev lennufirma * Sisestage lennuteave, vedaja teave ja lemmikloomateave * Printige ja allkirjastage vormid ning esitage pardaleminekul Kui reisijast keeldutakse Sherpa® vedaja tõttu, Quaker Pet Group hüvitage lemmiklooma vanemale pilet ja lemmikloomatasu – garanteeritud!KÜSIMUSED, MIDA KÜSIDA ENNE OMA LEMmikloomaga reisimist: * Kas mu lemmikloom on reisistressiga toimetulemiseks liiga vana või noor? * Kas mu lemmiklooma tervis on halb? * Kas mu lemmikloom taastub pärast operatsiooni või traumaatilist sündmust? * Kas mu lemmikloom on rase? * Kas mu lemmikloomal on liikumishaigus? Kui vastate mõnele neist küsimustest jaatavalt, kontrollige oma loomaarstilt, kas teie lemmikloom sobib oma praeguses seisundis transportimiseks. ETTEVALMISTAGE LEMmiklooma ette: Ostke kindlasti õige suurusega kandekott, mis vastab teie lemmiklooma kaalule. Liiga suure kanduri kasutamine võib põhjustada liikumishaigust. Teie lemmikloomal peaks olema kanduri sees piisavalt ruumi püsti tõusmiseks ja ümberpööramiseks. Enne reisimist jätke oma lemmikloomale piisavalt aega kandjaga tutvumiseks. Soovitame soetada kandekandja vähemalt kuu aega ette, et anda oma lemmikloomale piisavalt aega sellega harjumiseks. Asetage kandja avatud kohta, et lemmikloom saaks asja uurida ning selle lõhna ja kujuga harjuda. Pange üks oma lemmiklooma mänguasjadest, maiustest või tekkidest kanduri sisse, et meelitada oma lemmiklooma sinna meelsasti sisenema. Ärge suruge oma lemmiklooma jõuga kandurisse. Viige oma lemmikloom lühikestele reisidele kanduris, et ta harjuks selles transportimisega. Kui teie lemmikloomale ei meeldi sees olla või ta üritab kandjast põgeneda, soovitame enne reisi edasi treenida või kaaluda looma transportimist kõva küljega kanderaamiga. LENNUGA REISIMINE * Enne lendamist kontrollige alati oma lennufirma reegleid ja eeskirju. . Teie lemmikloom peab lennukis viibides alati kindlalt kanduris olema. * Jälgige alati oma lemmiklooma. ÄRGE MITTE KUNAGI jätke oma lemmiklooma järelevalveta või järelevalveta kandikusse. Selle eiramine võib põhjustada kanduri kahjustamise, põgenemise või teie lemmiklooma vigastuse. * Ärge kunagi andke oma lemmikloomale rahusteid ega rahusteid, välja arvatud juhul, kui teie loomaarst on seda määranud. Kui see on ette nähtud, hankige kindlasti selged ja täpsed juhised annuse, annustamissageduse ja lemmiklooma rahustamisega seotud riskide kohta. Järgige täpselt juhiseid. Ärge suurendage annust oma äranägemise järgi, kuna lemmikloomad võivad kergesti saada liigselt ravimeid, eriti lennates, kuna kõrgem kõrgus võib põhjustada südame-veresoonkonna ja hingamisteede probleeme. * Ärge lubage oma lemmikloomal reisida kägistava, pigistatava või treenimiskaelusega. Kassid peaksid reisima kaelarihmaga, millel on kiirkinnitus või äratõmbamisfunktsioon. * Juhtmeid ei tohi kasutada, kui teie lemmikloom on hoidikusse suletud. * Veenduge, et teie lemmiklooma kaelarihm oleks turvaline ja sellel oleks selgelt näha tõendid kehtivate vaktsineerimiste kohta, teie nimi, aadress ja kontaktandmed. REISINÕUANDED TEIE JA TEIE LEMmiklooma jaoks 1. Broneerige endale ja oma lemmikloomale broneeringud varakult. Enamik lennufirmasid piirab igal lennul lubatud lemmikloomade arvu. 2. Täitke ja printige Guaranteed on Board® vormid või helistage oma lennufirmale, et saada teada konkreetsed nõuded. 3. Uurige oma sihtlinna lemmikloomaeeskirju ja -eeskirju ning nende kohta, kus te peatute. 4. Valmistage oma lemmikloom reisiks ette. Veenduge, et tal oleks piisavalt aega kandjaga kohanemiseks ja harjutage enne suurt päeva lühikestel reisidel oma lemmiklooma kandis reisimist. 5. Leppige oma loomaarstiga kokku aeg. Hankige tervisetõend ja veenduge, et teie lemmikloom on ajakohastatud oma võtetega mitte rohkem kui 10 päeva enne teie lahkumist. 6. Uurige ja koostage oma sihtkoha kohalike loomaarstide ja kiirabikliinikute nimekiri. 7. Veenduge, et teil on kõik teie ja teie lemmiklooma dokumendid korras. Kas teil on oma lemmiklooma tervisetõend? Kas teil on Guaranteed On Board® vormid, mida väravaagendile näidata? 8. Laske oma kontaktteave selgelt ja turvaliselt märgistada nii oma lemmiklooma kandjale kui ka lemmiklooma siltidele. 9. Pakkige oma lemmikloom ette, et olla kindel, et midagi ei unune. 10. Saabuge oma lahkumispäeval varakult ja andke endale ja oma lemmikloomale piisavalt aega lennule registreerimiseks ja pardale minekuks. Planeerige ette ja teadke lennujaama(de) erinevaid asukohti, kus teie lemmikloom saab end enne lendamist (ja lennu ajal) uuesti läbi elada. AUTOGA REISIMINE * Jälgige alati oma lemmiklooma järelevalvet. ÄRGE MITTE KUNAGI jätke oma lemmiklooma järelevalveta või järelevalveta kandikusse. Selle eiramine võib põhjustada kanduri kahjustamise, põgenemise või teie lemmiklooma vigastuse. * Kinnitage kandur ainult auto tagaistmel. Ärge kinnitage kandurit esiistmele – teie lemmikloom on kõige turvalisem tagaistmel. Turvavöö saab kinnitada pakiruumi tagaküljel asuva pagasipaela kaudu. Vajadusel saab õlarihma kinnitada ümber peatoe. * Ärge kunagi andke oma lemmikloomale rahusteid ega rahusteid, välja arvatud juhul, kui teie loomaarst on seda määranud. Kui see on ette nähtud, hankige kindlasti selged ja täpsed juhised annuse, annustamissageduse ja lemmiklooma rahustamisega seotud riskide kohta. Järgige täpselt juhiseid. Ärge suurendage annust oma äranägemise järgi, kuna lemmikloomad võivad kergesti saada üleravitud. * Ärge lubage oma lemmikloomal reisida kägistava, pigistatava või treenimiskaelusega. Kassid peaksid reisima kaelarihmaga, millel on kiirkinnitus või äratõmbamisfunktsioon. * Juhtmeid ei tohi kasutada, kui teie lemmikloom on hoidikusse suletud. * Veenduge, et teie lemmiklooma kaelarihm oleks turvaline ja sellel oleks selgelt näha tõendid kehtivate vaktsineerimiste kohta, teie nimi, aadress ja kontaktandmed. Sherpa Original Deluxe Pet Carrier on stiilne, kerge ja vastab kommertslennufirmade käsipagasi spetsifikatsioonidele. Sellel on vastupidav tepitud nailonist konstruktsioon, ventilatsiooniks mõeldud võrkpaneelid ja kaks mugavat sissepääsu: esi- ja ülaosa. Selle turvavöö turvarihm sobib mugavalt üle püstiste pagasi käepidemete. Kunstlambanahast vooder on masinas pestav ja kandurit tuleb puhastada ainult kohapeal. Kõik Sherpa kandurid on kaitstud üheaastase piiratud garantiiga tootjapoolsete defektide eest.

Lisa ostukorviOsta kohe
Suur suurus on mõeldud lemmikloomadele pikkusega kuni 18 L x 11 H ja kuni 22 naela. Suure kanduri mõõdud on 19" P x 11,75" L x 11,5" K. Heakskiidetud kasutamiseks enamikes lennufirmades ja sisaldub Sherpa Garanteeritud pardal programmis. Vedaja on mõeldud turvaliseks ja mugavaks reisimiseks; lemmikloomal ei ole liigset liikumisruumi. Tagumine tasku maiuste, jalutusrihma, kottide või muu mugavaks hoidmiseks, mida teie karvane sõber võib liikvel olles vajada. Patenteeritud vedrutraatraam võimaldab hoidiku tagumist otsa mitu tolli allapoole lükata, et see vastaks istmealuse nõuetele. Ventilatsiooniks võrkaknad, turvalisuse tagamiseks lukustatavate tõmblukkudega ülemine ja külgmine sissepääs, polsterdatud reguleeritav, libisemiskindel kanderihm, turvavöö/pagasirihm, masinpestav kunst lambanahast vooder. Ideaalne stiilseks ja mugavaks reisimiseks lennuki või autoga, seikluseks või lihtsalt loomaarsti juurde reisimiseks.
Brand Sherpa
Color Black
Country of Origin China
Domestic Shipping Item can be shipped within U.S.
International Shipping This item can be shipped to select countries outside of the U.S.
Is Discontinued By Manufacturer No
Item model number 55511
Manufacturer Quaker Pet Group
Material Polyester
Product Dimensions 19 x 11.75 x 11.5 inches; 3 Pounds
Product Dimensions 19"L x 11.75"W x 11.5"H
Target Audience Kittens, Cat, Puppies, Dog


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Scritto da: A. D. Needles
This is a fantastic a little pet carrier!
I wasn’t sure about these because they were the cheaper version but that’s what I needed at the time. I was pleasantly surprised when I received it. Good condition, although we never use the attachable strap it’s nice they have one. I pulled everything out to just gas off immediately cause it’s pretty much what I do with everything I buy these days. But I do want to say that there were no horrible smells. May be very slight but I am extremely sensitive. I took off the sheepskin cover threw it in the wash and it has been washed a few times and still fits great. We are truly happy with this purchase. There was plenty of room and lots of viewing area where the meesh is. If I remember right I think there is only one side that is solid. I find it very handy and we leave them open in a certain part of the house and the cats love to just get in them. That’s how cozy they are! I also think it’s good for them and would highly recommend doing this so that they don’t attach these negatively with going to the vet. We take are cats for rides in these from time to time and have no problem at all. They are simple and easy. We actually had to go from the medium size to the large and I went ahead and ordered the one with quilting fabric and I am super happy with it. Cannot say enough about these very reasonably priced carriers. Ample storage for us …….but we are not big on traveling with cats. These are just for car rides sometimes and perhaps to go visit our holistic pet doc.
Scritto da: richard
pretty good but not perfect
i bought a couple of these for my cats. first one, the floor was super sturdy and had a super nice floor mat...but the floor didn't fit properly into the velcro on the bottom was too big. i measured the carrier itself and it was slightly shorter than the listed dimensions. the carrier itself is also stitched crookedly and it's slightly lopsided. 2nd one, the floor was less sturdy with thinner cardboard..floor mat is also less plush. but the floor of this one fit in both just fine so i just swapped it with the 1st one. now they both fit. the carrier itself is slightly bigger than the 1st one and stitched straight/not lopsided. i am using the thicker cardboard floor with my fat cat, and thinner cardboard for my skinny cat after mixing and matching parts between the 2 carriers. they seem to have switched materials used in production at some point or they are just not consistent between the carriers. i bought the medium and they are snug for my cats. despite all of that, i still think this carrier is slightly sturdier and higher quality than other 20$ carriers i've used from amazon. if you can get this on sale or used for around 20 bucks or cheaper it's worth it.. but for full price i'd just stick with an offbrand in the 20$ range.
Scritto da: Kellyc
Perfect for air travel with Westie
This carrier worked perfectly for flying my 14-year old, 16-pound Westie from San Diego to Milwaukee (and back) during the Thanksgiving holiday. We flew US Airways and despite the large size being slightly bigger than required dimensions, we had zero problems whatsoever. Here are a few answers to questions I had before flying that may help ease your concerns: 1. US Air did not check that he could stand up or turn around 2. It was tight, but he could, in fact, stand up and turn around 3. US Air did not check any health certificates- all I had to do each way was sign a short form that the person at the counter filled out on my behalf. Although I was very nervous about getting turned away due to the size of the carrier, I acted like we had done this a million times (unlike the woman in line next to me with a dog that did not stop barking/squealing for the entire 15 min I was next to her). We both had a large Sherpa carrier and we both got through. 4. The strap is extremely sturdy and my dog felt comfortable with me holding him through the airport 5. I brought a blanket with me to cover the carrier in case it didn't fit completely under the seat. The carrier DID fit with a little squishing and maneuvering, but since the flight atttendants on some of the flights were very strict, I used it to be able to pull the carrier out from under the seat mid-flight and give my little guy some reassuring pats on the head. The blanket was also helpful when my late night flight had all the lights on- I wanted my dog to sleep and be relaxed, so I covered the holes. When it got very warm mid-flight, I threw him a few ice cubes to rehydrate. 6. TRAINING: To get my Westie ready for his first flight, I bought the carrier about 2 weeks before. The first day or two, I motioned with treats and he walked in himself. I left the top open so he wouldn't feel claustrophobic. Once he was comfortable with the "box" (as we called it), I started closing the front door and placing him in the top hole (again, always with treats). I didn't let him walk out on his own after this part of the training; I wanted him to know that once he was in his box, he couldn't leave without me taking him out. Once he became comfortable sitting in the box, I put a treat on the bottom and as soon as he put his head down to get it, I zipped the lid and let him enjoy his treat in there. I expected him to freak out the first time (my dog is not well-trained by any means; he will not even sit on command most days), but he stayed calm, so after about 5 minutes of me sitting by his box, I picked it up, did a few laps around the apartment, went down the elevator, loaded him up in the car and took a short drive to the pet store. He didn't mind at all. After I saw that, we toned down the training to every couple of days. Some nights after work, I would put him in his box (always through the top and always with a treat before the lid was closed) and put him at my feet while I watched TV for an hour or two. I would never walk away from the box and occasionally gave him reassuring pats or words of encouragement every 30 mins or so. Due to time constraints, we never trained for staying in the box longer than 2 hours, despite us having about a 7 hour trip time with the layovers. A few training tips: buy soft treats and use VERY tiny pieces. Especially at the beginning, you will likely be going through quite a few treats, so the smaller, the better. You don't want your dog throwing up in there (or expecting large treats on the plane!) Also, never give in to your dog if he/she tries to bite its way out of the bag. Stop the behavior and do not let it out of the carrier until the behavior has stopped and some time has passed. This is not fun to deal with mid-flight, so stop the behavior before you get in the air. 7. To help with his ears popping, I brought several nylabones on the plane (the pocket on the carrier is perfect for a few treats, a collapsible water bowl, a potty pad for layovers if you don't have time to take your dog out between flights, and a Kindle for yourself). During takeoff, I handed him a bone (I put PB on them so he would lick and bite) as I pet him. He's used to car rides, so this didn't phase him much. 8. Every so often throughout the flight, I would unzip a tiny hole (he did want to escape, so I had to be careful) and give him a small piece of treat to check on him. 9. The mesh on this carrier is STURDY. My dog has a bite similar to a pitbull, and the determination of a 6 year old trying to reach a giant piece of candy that was put just out of reach, so when he started trying to eat his way out of the carrier during the last 30 mins of the flight, every scenario of him running through the aisles like a mad man started running through my head. Luckily, however, the mesh held up and we landed safely shortly thereafter. I was left with a bruised hand due to the struggle, but the bag was just fine. 10. Day of flight: check in with plenty of time to spare. This is not the time to add stress. Once your bags are checked in and your dog has the "ok" to fly, check out the security line. If it's short, I recommend walking out of the airport and giving your dog some last-minute fresh air, one last bathroom stop, and a moment for the vet-recommended Benadryl to kick in. When the time comes to go through security, you'll put the carrier through (I also had a backpack with the blanket tied to it and a large coat) and carry your dog through the x-ray machine. I put my dog back in the carrier at this point, but if your dog's leash is easily accessible, you could probably get away with walking it on its leash to the gate (at least that seemed to be the case at SAN, PHX & MKE). You'll want to be one of the last to board (you won't have luggage, so carry on space won't be a concern). If you have a layover, check out potty areas ahead of time. Few airports have potty areas behind security (SAN is one), so you'll need to know what your options are and if you'll have time. During our short layover, I had planned to take my dog to the bathroom stall and lay out a potty pad. Since he had just gone about 90 min prior however, we spent our 20 mins between flights with his head poking out of the carrier while he observed the craziness of Thanksgiving travel. If I could do this again, I would have taken him on a quick walk in the airport to burn off some energy. All in all, flying with my Westie was much less stressful for him than boarding. The large Sherpa was great and I would highly recommend it. The only thing I would change would be adding mesh on the top of the carrier, but not a big deal.
Scritto da: O
Good for Air Canada and Westjet for my pug x chihuahua
Got the large carrier for my 16 pound chihuahua x pug. I had a lot of trouble finding a carrier large enough for my dog, even though she is relatively light, she is quite tall and has a long body. She fit in this carrier great! (Her head peaks out though when she’s standing). With the carrier, she was just under the weight limit for Air Canada and WestJet. However, they never weighed her or the carrier at any time, they just asked her weight when I booked her for the flight. Also, they never measured the carrier itself. This carrier was good for Air Canada and WestJet, even though the height is 1 inch just over the height limit. It still fit under the seat but I usually have to squish it down a bit, especially when the plane has a box under the seat (not really problem since the carrier is flexible and my dog has enough space). I asked my vet about sedation for my nervous dog and she gave me dosages for over the counter medicine (gravol or Benadryl), which I gave to her one hour before departure. I would recommend contacting your vet for long flights. I would add that the while the carrier fits under the seat, putting the carrier under length wise you will have much less leg room! In some planes, you can put it width wise but it will take more than your share of space so it's better if you sit next to someone with light luggage underneath that doesn't mind sharing with a dog. Overall great experience with the carrier which is a great size for my dog and fit quite well under the seat. I like how it can slip onto larger luggage. Only wish it had wheels, since carrying my dog through the airport was quite a workout! To solve this, I recommend bringing a small luggage on wheels as the other carry-on item and putting the carrier on top (It has a strap that fits over the luggage handle). The pet carrier counts as the personal item. EDIT: I’ve been using this carrier for around 5 years on many flights (10+) and only once had a minor issue (the flight attendent said the dog should be able to stand and turn around in the carrier and was skeptical if she could). I flew both WestJet and Air Canada, and I much prefer WestJet. They allow you have priority boarding when you have a pet in cabin which is such a relief and makes things easier. I found a lot of planes have the life vest under the seat so I often have to squish down the carrier, meaning there is less space for your pet, so be aware of it! (See photos)
Scritto da: Jo
Not Big
I've just received this, only ordered yesterday so top marks for delivery Amazon....... I ordered the Large size as have 4 big cats. my smallest BSH fits in but only just and he can't stand up in it..I know Brits are big cats but its the smallest one whos tried it out, so just be aware that its not really that big. A lot easier for me to carry tho than my plastic one which weighs a ton....Hope it lasts as there are other cheaper ones available with good reviews too, but only the best for my babies lol
Scritto da: M. SALMON
Disappointed with quality
We bought this cat carrier thinking it would be the same quality as our original Sherpa now 17 years old and still going strong. I wish we hadn't now the new model (it does say original!)has been built cheaply and falling to pices after a year. The fur mat is thin and now only held down with a pice of Velcro which has given up, and the reinforceing rods at the top of the bag are poking through and fall out. The whole bag feels cheap and fragile compared to our original. The bag wasn't cheap and we thought we were buying the same quality as our original bag. It is a shame the company has decided to reduce quality why would you want to do this? I would recommend you shop around and consider looking at a cheaper bag spending more money in this case doesn't guarantee quality.
Scritto da: Desigualchica
Perfect for international travel
This is actually my second purchase as I now have 2 cats. My first carrier, purchased over 8 years ago has been on multiple flights, trains, buses and taxis and is great and showing no signs of wear and tear. It is sturdy enough for travel whilst keeping my cat comfortable. I also particularly like the useful pocket at the back where I can keep the cat's passport and other useful items, as well as the fact it has a top and a front opening. The top opening is very useful to put the cats in and the front opening is the one I use to allow them to creep back in at the vet's office. One cat also like to nap in the carrier if I leave it out.
Scritto da: Camilla Bergstrom
Great carrier. Shape and size is great for my ...
Great carrier. Shape and size is great for my baby, she seems to feel a lot safer in this bag than my other larger one from sturdibag. The quality is a solid minus point though, I feel as though she could actually quite easily get out if she really wanted to. The mesh is pretty weak and could be chewed or scratched through and the zippers can be pushed on from the inside and thus glide apart. I really wish there was a way of locking the zipper. I ended up tying them together with a piece of string to be on the safe side. There's really only one side pocket and hardly anything fits in there, only her passport. Ideally I would have liked to be able to put a leash and some treats etc in too. The pad is super comfy. I'm giving a high rating not because I like it, I really prefer the other carrier in terms of quality and feeling of safety for my honey but because she's much more at peace in this one I have to say it's quite good. I do feel like the main point of it is the size and shape, but also the brand. Airlines don't even check it because it's a sherpa, so that's one less thing to worry about when travelling with your pet. I think it's a shame they don't make them in better quality though, I was disappointed when I received it and worried it wouldn't even hold her safely.

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