Cuisinart GG45-25 GreenGourmet kõva-anodeeritud mittekleepuv 10-tolline 18-tolline kahe põletiga küpsetusrest, must 18-tolline x 10-tolline kahe põletiga küpsetusrest




CUISINART GREENGOURMET KÕVA-ANODISEERITUD NONSTICK Kööginõud Inspireerituna suurepärastest Prantsuse köökidest alustas Cuisinart professionaalsete kööginõude tootmist üle 35 aasta tagasi. Valmistatud parimatest saadaolevatest materjalidest, et täita täiuslikult kõiki klassikalisi toiduvalmistamistehnikaid, Cuisinart GreenGourmet kõvaanodeeritud kööginõud jätkavad pikaajalist tipptasemel traditsiooni. Tänapäeval muutuvad üha enam kodukokkad roheliseks… ja nii on ka Cuisinarti kööginõud! Mittekleepuv kate igaks köögitööks Cuisinarti GreenGourmet kööginõud on disainitud eksklusiivse Cuisinart Ceramica mittekleepuva pinnaga, millel on peale kantud naftavaba keraamiline kate. temperatuuril, mis on poole väiksem kui traditsioonilistel mittekleepuvatel. Kate ei sisalda PTFE-d ja PFOA-d, aineid, mida sageli kasutatakse mittekleepuvates kööginõudes, mis on aastate jooksul terviseprobleeme tekitanud. See töötati välja ka tootmistehnikate abil, mis vähendavad kahjulikke süsinikuemissioone, tarbides vähem energiat. Kate on ka veepõhine, erinevalt teistest turul olevatest mittekleepuvatest katetest, mis on lahustipõhised. Lisaks on Cuisinarti kööginõudel kriimustuskindel mittenakkuva pind, mis ei kooru maha. Uued kööginõud vastavad FDA ja Euroopa RoHS standarditele keskkonnasõbralike toodete kohta. Neid panne tuleb pesta käsitsi pehme pesuvahendiga. Cuisinart saab ka rohelist krediiti pakendilt, mis on valmistatud 100 protsenti taaskasutatud materjalidest ja on trükitud 100 protsenti biolaguneva sojatindiga. Pannid tagavad suurepärase soojusjuhtivusega, nõudes soovitud küpsetustemperatuuri saavutamiseks vähem energiat. Roostevabast terasest kõvem panni kõva anodeeritud välispind on tihe, mittepoorne ja väga kulumiskindel, et tagada suurem vastupidavus ja professionaalne jõudlus ning kiire ja ühtlane soojusjaotus. Lisaks on turvaliselt needitud jahedast terasest käepidemed valmistatud 70 protsendi ulatuses taaskasutatud roostevabast terasest ja on ahjukindlad kuni 500 kraadi F, nii et toitu saab pliidiplaadil pruunistada ja seejärel küpsetamise lõpetamiseks ahju panna. TOOTE OMADUSED * Needitud roostevabast terasest käepidemed hoiavad pliidiplaadil jahedana * Naftavaba keraamiline mittekleepuv sisemus aitab säästa õlitarbimist * Eksklusiivne Cuisinart Ceramica Nonstick tehnoloogia * Ahju- ja broilerikindel * Pakend on valmistatud 100% taaskasutatud materjalidest ja sellele on trükitud sojatindi käepidemed on valmistatud 70% taaskasutatud roostevabast terasest. OMADUSED JA EELISED 1. Tervislik toiduvalmistamine, lihtne puhastamine: Cuisinart GreenGourmet kööginõudega toiduvalmistamisel ei pea te toidu kleepumise vältimiseks lisama õli ega võid. Kui soovite toitude maitset ja välimust parandada, peate oma kööginõude mittenakkuvale pinnale lisama minimaalse koguse. 2. Energiasäästlik toiduvalmistamine: valige põleti suurus, mis vastab panni põhja läbimõõdule. Gaasipõletil küpsetamisel veenduge, et leek puudutaks ainult panni põhja. Kui leek ulatub mööda panni külgi üles, läheb energia raisku. 3. Lihtne hooldus: laske Cuisinart GreenGourmet kööginõul enne puhastamist jahtuda. Kööginõusid tuleb pesta käsitsi kuuma vahuse vee ja käsna või pehme nõudelapiga. Ärge kasutage terasvilla ega muid metalli- või abrasiivseid padju, mis võivad teie kööginõusid kriimustada. Pärast pesemist loputage hoolikalt ja kuivatage kohe. 4. Välispinna puhastamine: Cuisinart GreenGourmet kööginõud on sileda välisviimistlusega, mis muudab nende puhastamise ja hooldamise lihtsamaks. Toidujääke või kogunenud kööginõude välispinda saab kergesti eemaldada kuuma seebiveega ja puhastuspadjaga. Cuisinart Cookware, nagu ka teiste kaubamärkide, välisilme kulub pideva kasutamise korral. See tingimus ei mõjuta mingil viisil teie kööginõude paremat küpsetusvõimet. 5. Mugav hoiustamine: Cuisinart GreenGourmet kööginõud on sileda välisviimistlusega, mis muudab nende puhastamise ja hooldamise lihtsamaks. Toidujääke või kogunenud kööginõude välispinda saab kergesti eemaldada kuuma seebiveega ja puhastuspadjaga. Cuisinart Cookware, nagu ka teiste kaubamärkide, välisilme kulub pideva kasutamise korral. See tingimus ei mõjuta mingil viisil teie kööginõude paremat küpsetusvõimet. KORRALIKUD TOIDUVAHENDID Soovitame Cuisinart GreenGourmet kööginõudes kasutada plast- või puidust nõusid, et säilitada välimus ja jõudlus. Hoiduge toiduainete lõikamisest või teravate riistade (nt kahvlid, noad, purustajad või visplid) kasutamisest, mis võivad küpsetuspinda kriimustada. Kerged pinnajäljed ja hõõrdumised on normaalsed ja ei mõjuta Cuisinart Ceramica katte toimimist. VASTUPIDAV KÖÖGITÕIVE ELUAEGSEKS SUUREPÄRANE SÖÖGISEKS Väikese hoolitsusega saate nautida oma Cuisinart GreenGourmet kööginõude suurepärast jõudlust veel aastaid. Tavaliselt piisab hoolikast kätepesust pärast iga kasutuskorda. Kui aga pannid muutuvad koorikuks või tugevasti rasvaseks, näevad need paar tundi kuumas vahuses vees ja kerges küürimises välja nagu uued. Pannide maitsestamine kaks korda aastas aitab säilitada optimaalset jõudlust ja see on lihtne! Lisage lihtsalt pool supilusikatäit taimeõli ja määrige see kogu sisemusse, kuni servani. Seejärel asetage pann tunniks ajaks eelsoojendatud 300 °F ahju. Eemaldage pann ettevaatlikult, laske sellel täielikult jahtuda ja pühkige üleliigne õli paberrätikuga ära. Olge oma kööginõudega õrn! Vältige virnastamist, mis võib põhjustada keraamilise sisemuse mõranemist. Näidake seda Cuisinarti köögitarvete riiulil või hoidke seda ettevaatlikult köögikapis, kus on vähe hingamisruumi.

Ühikuid pole saadaval
Mitmekülgne jõudlus: ahju, põleti peal ja broilerikindel. Kätepesu; ahjukindel kuni 500 kraadi F; broilerikindel. Püsige lahedad needitud küljekäepidemed, mis on valmistatud 70% ulatuses taaskasutatud roostevabast terasest. Keraamiline mittenakkuv kate (PTFE/PFOA-vaba ja naftavaba). Tugevalt anodeeritud alumiiniumist valmistatud kahe põletiga grillrest kiireks ja ühtlaseks kuumutamiseks.
Brand Cuisinart
Color Black
Customer Reviews 4.5 4.5 out of 5 stars 4,333 ratings 4.5 out of 5 stars
Has Nonstick Coating Yes
Is Discontinued By Manufacturer No
Is Dishwasher Safe Yes
Item model number GG45-25
Item Weight 4.43 Pounds
Manufacturer Cuisinart
Material Aluminum
Product Dimensions 21 x 10 x 3.25 inches
Shape Rectangular


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Scritto da: Mary D
Good basic pan
This is my first Cuisinart pan and it is not too bad. It cleans up pretty easy and I mostly got it to make omelettes. It’s a small pan, but you can still get a lot in there.
Scritto da: Kent Haskett
good order
Good experience ordering this item
Scritto da: Sui Lin Chee
Non-Stick Surface - Less Toxic than Teflon (PTFE) Based Non-Stick
The Cuisinart brand has been owned by Conair (known for hair dryers & small appliances) since 1989. The Cuisinart founder "invented" the food processor around 1973, but there has never been anything French about the company except the name (the inventor discovered food processing concepts in France, though). The non-stick ceramic-based coating works well, with food not sticking to the surface. The ceramic coating has a slight graininess which I didn't expect for a surface that is intended to not bond with other matter. Comes w/ a lid, which explains the higher pricing - there are many other ceramic-based non-stick 12" woks for about $30 without a lid -- a lid separately sells for about $25 so the all-in price is competitive. However, 3 common complaints by other buyers: (1) non-stick becomes sticky after use, (2) high heat, and (3) induction cooking (?). (1) It seems the major complaint is that it "fails" after some use. I haven't owned it long enough (say 6 mos. of constant use) to comment, but when a non-stick surface is causing food to stick, my educated guess is that (i) the surface has worn away or delaminated, or (ii) a film deposit has covered the surface. Using non-metal cook utensils should avoid wearing down the surface (if not a product defect), so a film deposit is likely the cause of sticking. Users say they soap clean the wok after each use, but it may not remove every bit of cooked-on matter. I have many kitchen items with baked- or cooked-on food residue that a normal soap/water cleaning won't remove. For this, Cuisinart says to soak in soapy water for a couple of hours, and use a Dobie pad (whatever that is). So, to address the filming of the surface, I suggest the following: * Do NOT to use spray oils because they leave a film -- is it true ? I don't know, but it's been mentioned (maybe by Birthers or climate change Merchants of Doubt). * Another poster is on the crusade saying to use hi-concentration vinegar to get rid of film -- maybe it makes sense because I've heard about vinegar to clean drip coffee makes & dish washers by running vinegar to get rid of residue & buildup. This means any acidic liquid (lemon juice, etc.) may also work. Added 02/2017 -- following another poster's advice, I don't use soap - - basically, season the wok per Cuisinart's instructions, then after each use, use water to soak the bottom surface, then I use 2 x 1/2 sheet paper towels to clean & wipe - - first sheet to get off food residue, then the second 1/2 sheet to absorb resident liquids. I was concerned that without soap, the wok would be 'dirty", but "wiping" preserves the the seasoned non-stick effect that would be eroded by soap. So, I've just been wiping. (2) High Heat - Basically, after reading Cuisinart's "documents" (excerpted below), the precaution AGAINST high heat is related to burning YOUR food, but the wok is safe to 500 degrees broiler, and should not be warping. Cuisinart's seasoning directions including placing the wok in a 300 degree oven for one hour. However, if you've using a 15,000 btu burner, then a carbon steel wok (with oil seasoning) is the better choice - - high heat also means a lot of oil fumes (and greasy range), so if you can tolerate that, than seasoning a carbon steel wok is a better choice. Cuisinart literature - "Never use Cuisinart GreenGourmet Cookware on high heat or food will burn. The Aluminum core of this cookware heats quickly and its even heat distribution prevents hot spots. We recommend using a low or medium setting for most cooking. To boil water, medium-high is sufficient. Never leave Cuisinart Cookware or any pan empty over a hot burner. Doing so can ruin the pan and void the warranty and cause damage to the stovetop." "Cuisinart . . . can be in the oven up to 500 degrees F. Cookware is broiler safe." (3) Induction cooking (?) -- the box shows gas, electric, glass ceramic and halogen, but NOT induction (presumably not magnetized). Seasoning (?) -- per Cuisinart, "Seasoning your pans twice a year helps to maintain optimal performance and is easy! Just add a half-tablespoon of vegetable oil and spread it around the entire interior right up to the rim. Then place the pan in a preheated 300 degree F oven for an hour." The box has a label saying "Made and printed in China" so I assume both product & box are manufactured there. Cuisinart also has the model 626-32H Chef's Classic Nonstick Hard-Anodized 12-1/2-Inch with a Teflon like (PTFE based) surface, but without PFOA. Given that PTFE is emitted, and PFOA doesn't leave the body, and both are either pollutants or suspected carcinogens, why use a petroleum/chemical based surface with your food ? What this says is that ceramic non-stick is not "buy, use & forget" like today's no-frost freezers -- manufacturers don't seem to be helping with addressing "stickiness" (just like washer manufacturer's deny the smell & mold of front loaders - for that & other HE washers, one poster say run a load w/ 1-2 dishwashing detergent pellets which do the same thing as the $1 washer cleaner pellets. My sample has a dent on the metal wrap of the glass lid. It appears to be a factory dent because the lid itself was well wrapped in cardboard & paper, and the entire box was shipped by Amazon in an outside box w/ paper (Amazon is not only a great retailer, but a fantastic shipper -- always something outside the actual retail box).
Scritto da: Amazon Customer
High quality pan
Larger size pan for cooking for 4 to 6 people. Very nice ceramic non-stick finish!
Scritto da: Kevin Collins
Nice set- but the pot handles CAN GET VERY HOT
I see a lot of reviews by people blanking calling the handles on this set as not hot to the touch during the cook. The pans, yes, this is true. The Dutch oven and 3-quart pan- THE HANDLES GET VERY HOT if you are on a large gas burner and the fire is spread out underneath. Maybe it is people cooking on induction or electric element stoves they don't get hot, so if you use gas beware. I mean, this is just like cooking with fire on anything, I'm not surprised or disappointed, just don't read these comments and be surprised when you touch the dutch oven handles when boiling a big batch of dried pasta and you get burned not using potholders.
Scritto da: Cattail
Overall it's not a bad set of cookware for light use. It generally does a good job as far as the actual cooking goes. But the frying pan which got nearly daily use lost its non-stick quality very quickly. Food sticks badly while cooking and the pan is harder to clean than a regular pan that doesn't have a nonstick finish, so I no longer use it. The saucepans and soup kettle are doing much better but they are used only a few times a month. I certainly had hoped to get more than a year's worth of use from the frying pan. I definitely wouldn't buy this again.
Scritto da: Michigan girl
Cooks evenly.
The pour spout on one corner was wonderful to drain the griddle. I have lots of Cuisinart products and have not been disappointed!
Scritto da: McKinzie Creager
Great pan
We need a skillet that would be safe to cook on in front of our bird. This works great! Very happy with our purchase
Scritto da: Patricia Watson
Exceptional pan
Truly delightful to cook with this pan. The clean-up is really is non-stick and easy to clean. Thanks!
Scritto da: Pudloo
Great value.
I have been using this set for 3 months now and am very happy with the quality. Nothing sticks to them. I am following the instructions not to clean them in the dishwasher, which I thought would be a pain. However, they are very easy to wash and it is nice not to have my dishwasher filled up with pots and pans. I'm very happy with this purchase. I would note that the size of the pots and pans in this set are not excessively large. They work well for me as I'm cooking for one or two people normally. I think that they would be too small if I was cooking for a larger family. Update: after one year's use I am still very impressed with the quality of this product.
Scritto da: Ksenia Vlassova
so far so good - loving it
it is everything as described, i enjoy using it. Though it is not dishwasher proof but otherwise perfect.
Scritto da: Ne
I am used to a flat sauce pan and enjoy the openness it gives for my poha and sabudana ...
I am used to a flat sauce pan and enjoy the openness it gives for my poha and sabudana without having to add a lot of oil. Besides it doesn't have any toxins that can leach into my food because someone used stainless steel spoon in the pan. Love love love it..
Scritto da: Nyle
Good quality, weight, and easy to wash.
I would say this is a solid purchase for an everyday home cook; the weight of each piece has good and are comfortable to hold. The handles do not get hot. I shopped around before purchasing and also went into a departmental store to shop around before my final purchase. Easy to wash and clean. Highly recommended.

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